Dual Fuel
Questions about Dual Fuel and the different available options? Fill out this brief form and a Dual Fuel expert will follow up.
Dual Fuel Overview
Dual Fuel is an interruptible service rate designed primarily for electric heat that provides customers a discount on their usage in exchange for occasional interruptions from Minnesota Power. Interruptions occur when loads across our territory AND pricing on the electric market are both high. These interruptions help keep electricity costs down for all Minnesota Power customers.
Minnesota Power offers two Dual Fuel rates to serve a variety of customers and their interruptible service needs including, but not limited to, electric heat, electric water heating, EV chargers, slab heat and more. The Dual Fuel service is a full separate service to your house and requires its own meter socket that is wired to an electric service panel connected only to your interruptible load. When a customer has electric heat on the Dual Fuel Service they should be prepared to heat with a non-electric backup heat source during interruptions, or have sufficient storage heat to maintain comfort during interruptions.
What Options do you have?
Dual Fuel Standard:
A small discount with limited interruptions. Designed for customers with less-robust backup heating systems or customers who’d like to add other non-heating equipment to their Dual Fuel meter.
Dual Fuel Plus:
A larger discount with potential for longer interruptions. Only for electric heat with an appropriate non-electric backup heat source.

Do you own a heat pump?
Heat Pumps are a great way to heat and cool your home and they are a good option with Dual Fuel. If you own a heat pump and prefer to skip interruptions during the summer, we can help! Contact us to discuss how you can take advantage of our Seasonal Dual Fuel Heat Pump add-on!
Dual Fuel Resources
- Minnesota Power’s Heating Comparison Calculator
- Information about air source heat pumps and Minnesota Power’s air source heat pump rebates:
- Sign up for a free Home Energy Support Consult or learn about an Advanced Home Energy Analysis here!
- Order a free Insulate and Save Kit
Dual Fuel FAQs
Q. How much of a discount will I receive?
The Dual Fuel Standard energy charge will be $0.06916/kWh. That is $0.02487 less than our new standard residential rate of $0.09403/kWh.
The Dual Fuel Plus energy charge will be 0.04703/kWh. That is $0.047 less than our new standard residential rate of $0.09403/kWh.
Q. How long will the interruptions be?
Dual Fuel Standard can be interrupted two times per day, up to four-hours at a time. There is a required minimum of 2 hours in between interruptions and the max annual hours that the service can be interrupted is 300 hours per calendar year.
Dual Fuel Plus can be interrupted up to 20 hours per calendar day with a minimum of 2 hours in between interruptions. The max annual hours interrupted is 1,000.
Q. Can I put my water heater or EV Charger on Dual Fuel?
Dual Fuel Standard, with its new interruption guidelines, is no longer just for electric-heat. Customers can add other load (think electric water heaters, air conditioning, EV chargers, slab- heat) with the understanding that whatever is hooked up to the meter will experience interruptions.
Dual Fuel Plus is designed ONLY/PRIMARILY for electric heat with a non-electric backup heat source that can maintain heat for extended periods.
Q. Can I be on Dual Fuel service if my backup heat source is wood?
Customers with wood backup heat sources are ideal candidates for the Dual Fuel Standard rate. The shorter interruption periods with the 2 hour break in between provides a safety net for customers with manual backup heat sources.
Q. Will I be notified if there is a Dual Fuel interruption?
Sign up to receive notifications of interruptions in MyAccount. You can also view current interruptions here.
You can call our Interactive Voice Response at 1-800-307-6937 (Minnesota only) or 1-218-722-2625 or you may go to our website at www.mnpower.com/CustomerService/DualFuelInterruptions. When an interruption is scheduled or in process, a message will be posted.
Q. Can I go off the Dual Fuel Rate if I decide to travel during the winter?
No. If you decide to stop your Dual Fuel Service completely or switch to a different rate you are expected to remain on the new rate for a period of 12 months with the exception of trying Dual Fuel Plus and deciding that the interruptions are too long for your comfort.
Q. If I decide to try Dual Fuel Plus do I need to stay on that rate option for 12 months?
For customers that are trying out Dual Fuel Plus for the first time, if they decide the interruption schedule is too much for their backup heat source, exceptions will be made to the 12 month guideline to put them back on the Dual Fuel Standard Rate.
Q. How do I make changes to my Dual Fuel Rate?
Customers can request to change their Dual Fuel Rate or to completely discontinue their Dual Fuel Service here. Customers can change from Dual Fuel Standard to Dual Fuel Plus (or back to Standard), add the Seasonal Heat Pump Add-on (to avoid interruptions during the summer months on their AC), stop Dual Fuel interruptions and move to an All Electric rate, or completely discontinue their Dual Fuel Service.
Q. What happens to customers that move into a property with Dual Fuel Service?
Customers will receive a Dual Fuel welcome packet with information about the different Dual Fuel options, how to sign up for interruption notifications, and how to change the rate on their Dual Fuel meter depending on their needs.
Meter Requirements
Bypass Metering Requirements
If Lot Line Metering is Not Used
In order to minimize power interruptions during meter replacement or calibration, and to ensure safety of Minnesota Power employees, all residential, customer-owned, self contained meter sockets must have a jaw-clamping, lever-type bypass. Horn-type bypasses are not acceptable.
Self Contained Metering
200-Amp Single-Phase 3-Wire—4 or 5 terminal, 200-amp, jaw-clamping, lever-operated bypass, weatherproof, ringless, screwless cover, 5th jaw at nine o’clock position, hub opening for overhead, closure plate or plain top for underground.
320-Amp Single-Phase 3-Wire—4 terminal, 320-amp, jaw-clamping, lever-operated bypass, weatherproof, ringless, screwless cover, hub opening for overhead, closure plate or plain top for underground Anti-inversion clips in the upper right jaw are not allowed.
200 Amp 2 Position Single Phase 3 Wire—4 terminal, weatherproof, 200-amp jaw-clamping, lever-operated bypass per position, ringless, screwless cover, hub opening for overhead, closure plate or plain top for underground.
Approved Meter Sockets—List of Manufacturers
Landis and Gyr, Milbank, T&B, Anchor, Durham, Siemens, Square D, Cutler Hammer and Midwest Electric are examples of UL approved metering equipment providers.
Sample Part Numbers
Millbank U-4801-XL-5T9
Siemens Drawing 48804, PN 48804-02NU
Sample Meter Spec
*Note: Metering services greater than 320A and in excess of 240V require instrument-rated metering equipment.
Meter Location
Outdoor metering is required for all installations unless prior approval is given.
For outdoor installations the center line of all meters shall be between four and six feet from the finished grade.
A minimum three feet of unobstructed working space, as measured from the surface on which it is mounted, should be maintained in front of the meter, and a minimum of 12 inches of unobstructed space should be maintained on all sides of the meter cover Ample space shall be provided for all meters, metering equipment and other apparatus so that they can be safely read, inspected and tested.
Please call Minnesota Power’s Meter Department at 1-800-228-4966 for questions regarding sockets.
*Note: Your local or state electrical code may have additional requirements.