Invested in a
bright future

Local solar, local benefits
Our investment in utility-scale solar emphasizes our commitment to customers and communities while we strive for an equitable clean-energy transition.
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission in 2020 asked the state's utilities to accelerate planned projects to help kick-start local economies affected by the pandemic. Our three solar projects generate carbon-free energy for customers, boost the tax base of local economies, created local union jobs, contracted with local and diverse suppliers whenever possible, and were built with solar panels from regional manufacturers.
Click on the maps below to learn more about each project.
Solar Plus Sheep
We’re putting sustainability into action as we explore alternatives to traditional summer mowing at our solar sites.
At Jean Duluth Solar, 100 Katahdin sheep spent about three weeks chowing down on excess vegetation to keep the solar panels clear and help the pollinator plants thrive.
Watch these four-legged mowers on the job at the 1.6-megawatt renewable energy site and learn more about the potential for solar grazing at Minnesota Power.