
Dual Fuel

Sign Up - Modify - Discontinue

If you are looking to add, modify, or discontinue Dual Fuel service, please read through all of the options. Click on the button at the bottom of the page to access our Dual Fuel application where all of the below options are available.

Customers who are looking to add the Dual Fuel service will need to fill out a Dual Fuel application. This is for customers who do not currently have a second Dual Fuel or All Electric service. Adding Dual Fuel requires adding a full second service and you will be followed up with by a Design Representative to go over your project.

For customers who already have Dual Fuel service, Minnesota Power’s updated Dual Fuel program offers different options to fit each customer’s unique needs. You can:

  • Change rates between Dual Fuel Standard and Dual Fuel Plus
  • Move to our non-interruptible All Electric Heating rate
  • Sign up for Minnesota Power’s Seasonal Heat Pump Add-On

Information on the different options can be found on our Dual Fuel Website. Customers can request to change their rate once every 12 months. Select your desired change from the list of options below!

Dual Fuel Standard

Discounted rate ($0.07989/kWh) with limited interruptions. Designed for customers with less-robust, non-electric backup heating systems or customers who’d like to add other non-heating equipment to their Dual Fuel meter. Rate is heat tax-exempt during heating months.

Dual Fuel Plus

Least expensive Dual Fuel rate ($0.05584/kWh) with potentially longer and more frequent interruptions. Designed for customers with fully automatic non-electric backup heating systems. Rate is heat tax-exempt during heating months.

**Customers with subtractive metering configurations are not eligible for Dual Fuel Plus.

All Electric Heating Rate

Customers that no longer want to experience outages can switch to Minnesota Power’s All Electric rate. The energy costs are the same as the standard Residential rate ($0.10818/kWh), but with heat tax exemption during heating months. Switching to this rate does not require any rewiring of equipment.

Optional Seasonal Heat Pump Add-On

If you own a heat pump and prefer to skip summer interruptions, sign up for Minnesota Power’s Seasonal Heat Pump Add-on. During billing months of June through September, the Dual Fuel meter will be billed at Minnesota Power’s Standard Residential Rate ($0.10818) and will not experience interruptions. For the billing months of October through May, all service through the Dual Fuel meter will be subject to interruptions and receive the Dual Fuel discounted rate.

If you are no longer interested in Dual Fuel and/or would like to avoid interruptions going forward, Minnesota Power offers two options.

All Electric Heating Rate

Customers that no longer want to experience outages can switch to Minnesota Power’s All Electric rate. The energy costs are the same as the Standard Residential rate ($0.10818/kWh), but with heat tax exemption during heating months. Customers will continue to be billed for the additional metered service. Switching to this rate does not require any rewiring of equipment.

Disconnect Dual Fuel Service

Customers that no longer have a need for their additional Dual Fuel service can elect to have it disconnected. All equipment tied to the Dual Fuel service must be rewired to the home''s standard residential service meter. Once the request is complete, the meter will be disconnected, and customers will no longer be billed for the additional service.