Renewable Source
Are you looking for an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint without having something to install or maintain? If so, Renewable Source may be the right program for you. With Renewable Source, you can choose how much of the energy you purchase from Minnesota Power comes directly from renewable sources and you can influence the amount of renewable energy on the power grid.
How does it work?
Under Minnesota Power's EnergyForward strategy, all customers now receive 50 percent of their electricity from renewable sources such as wind, solar, and hydro. When you join Renewable Source, you choose to pay a little extra to add more renewable energy to the power grid equal to a percentage of your monthly energy use. The extra cost is added to your regular monthly bill and the power is delivered to the electric grid on your behalf.
- Flexible—choose from four options to add more renewable energy to the power grid equal to a percentage of your monthly energy use: 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent or go all in at 100 percent.
- Simple—no equipment necessary and no contract.
- Predictable and affordable pricing without a long-term commitment. You can leave Renewable Source at any time.
- Satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to a cleaner and lower-carbon energy future.
Starting in 2023, the energy supplied through Renewable Source will be generated by wind from the Ashtabula Wind Energy Center in North Dakota. New sources of renewable energy may be a part of the program mix in the future.

Minnesota Power calculates and reports carbon emissions based on the GHG Protocol. Details in ALLETE’s Corporate Sustainability Report.
Click here for a printable application form to submit by mail.
FAQ: Tell me more about Renewable Source
Where does the renewable energy come from?
Renewable Source is supplied with energy from the Ashtabula Wind Energy Center in North Dakota. Today, Renewable Source is 100 percent wind, but it could include other forms of renewable energy—solar, biogas, hydro, or biomass—in the future.
How does the renewable energy get to my house?
It’s not possible to direct the wind energy from Ashtabula Wind directly to your home. The renewable energy from North Dakota flows into the power grid where it is mixed with electricity from other renewable and conventional sources. Renewable Source and all other Minnesota Power customers draw power from the grid to reliably and safely meet their electricity needs. By supporting Renewable Source, you are helping to ensure a renewable mix of energy sources that feed the power grid.
Is Renewable Source reliable?
We all know that sometimes the wind doesn’t blow, but those calm days won’t affect the reliability of your service. Your electric service draws power from the overall electric grid, which is supplied by a mix of sources. Enrolling in Renewable Source means there is more renewable energy on the power grid.
Doesn’t Minnesota Power already supply renewable energy to my home through its EnergyForward resource strategy?
Yes. The power we supply our customers comes from a variety of resources. Our current mix is 50 percent renewable, including wind, hydro, solar and biomass. Minnesota Power plans to continue growth of renewable energy and with further investments, Minnesota Power will be working towards the Minnesota state goal of being carbon free by 2040. The renewable electricity supplied as part of Renewable Source goes above and beyond what we supply to all of our customers.
What is a Renewable Energy Credit, or REC?
One Renewable Energy Credit is created each time one megawatt-hour of electricity is generated and delivered to the power grid. These credits, also called certificates, are used to measure the amount of renewable energy produced and to prove that utilities or businesses are meeting their renewable energy goals.
As a Renewable Source participant, the RECs are retired on your behalf and are not counted toward Minnesota Power’s compliance with the state’s renewable energy standard. By retaining rights to the RECs, you can say that your home is powered by renewable energy and enjoy the satisfaction of contributing toward a cleaner and lower-carbon energy future.
How much renewable energy can I get through Renewable Source?
Customers can choose to add more renewable energy to the power grid equal to 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent or even 100 percent of their monthly energy usage. By signing up for Renewable Source, you are directly influencing the amount of renewable energy available on the power grid.
How much does Renewable Source cost?
The total amount you pay as a Renewable Source customer will vary from month to month, based on how much energy you use. But let’s say you’re like the average residential customer and use 744 kilowatt-hours a month. Here’s what Renewable Source will add to the average monthly bill of $75:
- 25 percent Renewable Source: $1.85 more a month
- 50 percent Renewable Source: $3.70 more a month
- 75 percent Renewable Source: $5.55 more a month
- 100 percent Renewable Source: $7.40 more a month
The premium price you pay— $0.039 per kilowatt-hour less a credit for delivered fuel—will stay the same through 2023, and ensures that renewable energy is generated on your behalf and delivered to the power grid. With Renewable Source, there is no strict contract and you can update or remove the program at any time.
With Renewable Source:
- Flexible—choose from four options to add more renewable energy to the power grid equal to a percentage of your monthly energy use: 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent or go all in at 100 percent.
- Simple—no equipment necessary and no contract.
- Predictable and affordable pricing without a long-term commitment. You can leave Renewable Source at any time.
- Satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to a cleaner and lower-carbon energy future.
How does Renewable Source affect my bill?
Participating in the Renewable Source program will affect your monthly Minnesota Power bill in two ways: a charge for the renewable energy and a credit for fuel and purchased energy.
The renewable energy charge will appear as a separate line item on your bill called Renewable Source Program Charge. This charge is based on the percentage of energy usage that you elected to get through the Renewable Source program multiplied by the cost of the renewable energy.
The fuel and purchased energy credit is included in the Fuel and Purchased Energy portion of your bill. The Fuel and Purchased Energy adjustment is made up of the cost of fuel used in our generating stations and the cost of purchasing energy from other suppliers. When you sign up for Renewable Source, you are using energy from renewable resources that don’t have any associated fuel costs. We’ll credit you for fuel costs, which will vary month to month.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Call 218-355-3720 (option 5) to talk with a Minnesota Power representative or email
What about commercial and business customers?
Commercial and business customers also can sign up for Renewable Source. Contact a Minnesota Power representative at 218-355-3720 (option 5) or email to learn how we can help you reach your sustainability goals.