ENERGY STAR® Certified Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) Rebate
$1,000/ton - MNGHPA Master Installer*
Available on purchases made Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2025

How to Get Your $800/ton or $1,000/ton Rebate on an ENERGY STAR® Certified Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) System:
- Purchase and have installed a new or replacement GSHP (open or closed loop system) by December 31, 2025. A program participating contractor will provide proper installation services.
- Only contractors with a Minnesota Geothermal Heat Pump Association Master Installer designation are eligible to apply.
- You must use a program participating contractor to qualify for the rebate. Contractors will complete the paperwork necessary for the rebate**.
*Note: Choosing a contractor that is certified as a Master Installer through the Minnesota Geothermal Heat Pump Association (MNGHPA) makes you eligible for a higher rebate at $1,000/ton. You can find MNGHPA Master Installers in our Participating Contractor Lookup Site linked above.
Important Notes:
- The heat pump must be installed in homes of Minnesota Power residential customers or customers of another participating utility on or before December 31, 2025.
- The heat pump must meet 2012 ENERGY STAR® standards.
- Qualifying equipment does not include reconditioned or resale equipment
- The system must be installed by a program participating contractor.
- Must be replacing an electric heat source or installing in new construction to be eligible for rebate.
- Expect your rebate check in 8–10 weeks.
- For questions about the status of your rebate, call 1-855-669-8196.
** Minnesota Power and participating municipal utilities, by providing these rebates, do not warrant the equipment or the work of the contractor and are not responsible for any personal injury or damage caused by the equipment. The sponsoring utilities reserve the right to withdraw the offer without notice. Rebate subject to homeowners working with a participating contractor and to contractor meeting performance standards. The contractor will file the rebate for you. $800/$1,000 per ton or up to 50% of the installation cost, whichever is achieved first.
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