Minnesota Power is seeking proposals for distributed solar resources
Minnesota Power, a utility division of ALLETE Inc. is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for distributed solar resources in compliance with Minnesota Statute 216B.1691 Subd. 2h defining the State of Minnesota’s Distributed Solar Energy Standard (DSES). Minnesota Power has a target of procuring 20-30 MW of solar in this first RFP and anticipates future RFP(s).
To be evaluated in this RFP, DSES projects must comply with the following requirements:
- Projects must have a capacity of 10 MWAC or less
- Projects must be constructed or procured after August 1, 2023
- Projects must be connected to MP’s distribution system at 34.5 kV or lower voltage
- For projects with a capacity of 100 kW or more, workers constructing the project must be paid prevailing wage and their employers must demonstrate evidence of participation in a registered apprenticeship program
- Additional requirements are outlined in the RFP
This request supports Minnesota Power's EnergyForward vision and bold next steps for a sustainable path to a carbon-free energy future that is centered on Minnesota Power's commitment to the climate, customers, and communities. This RFP seeks to maximize regional benefits of distributed solar while managing impacts on the distribution system. To do this, Minnesota Power has a stated preference for projects that use local labor for construction and permanent staffing, pay local prevailing wage, support labor’s participation in apprenticeship programs, leverage diverse bidders and the use of domestically sourced materials, encourage community involvement, provide environmental benefits such as inclusion of pollinator-friendly habitats, and locate projects in disadvantaged communities, Tribal lands, or an environmental justice area within Minnesota Power’s service territory.
Pre-bid Conference
Minnesota Power hosted a virtual pre-bid conference at 10:30 a.m. CST on February 27, 2025.
News Release
Minnesota Power files distributed solar RFP to advance clean-energy goals
RFP Notices and Documents
DSES RFP Minnesota Power 2025 (PDF)
Attachment A – Notice of Intent (Excel)
Attachment B – Minnesota Power Non Disclosure Agreement (Word)
Attachment C – Minnesota Power Model Solar PPA (Word)
Attachment D – Minnesota Power BOT Term Sheet (Word)
Attachment E – Economic Technical Data Input Form (Excel)
Attachment F – Technical Specifications (PDF)
Attachment G – DSES Substation Capacity Round 1 1_29_2025 (PDF)
Exhibit F-1 – Scope of Work (BESS) (PDF)
Exhibit F-2 – Performance Testing Procedure (BESS) (PDF)
Exhibit F-3 – Warranty (BESS) (PDF)
Bidders Questions
Questions will only be addressed through 5 p.m. CST on May 14, 2025. Please check back regularly for questions and answers.