Developer Construction
Welcome to Minnesota Power’s Developers construction page. Our goal is to provide safe, reliable electric service. To help us do a better job for you, we need to know your electrical needs as early as possible, please follow these simple steps:
- Fill out the Minnesota Power New Development or Subdivision Application.
- If you choose to apply using the paper form, please return form 6034b to the New Construction Center:
Mail: Minnesota Power
Construction Center
3215 W Arrowhead Rd
Duluth, MN 55811
Fax: 218-720-2795
Once all required application information is received a Minnesota Power’s Distribution Service Representative will contact you to set up a site visit and determine the following:
- The availability of electric utilities for the development.
- The most economical and mutually satisfactory route for installation of the utility electric lines within the development.
- Easements and road right way (R/W) requirements.
- Plat maps and engineering plans of all other utilities.
- Roadway designs.
- Conduit crossings in road bed.
- Any three phase electrical needs (lift pump stations).
- Lighting needs.
- Temporary power to site for construction phase of development.
- Clear marking of all lot corners and any other important features (catch basins).
- Date when grading will be within 6 inches of final grade.
- Review and sign off Developers Agreement (form 2055) when applicable.
- Customer billing information and contacts.
All project requirements must be met before any site work will be scheduled with Minnesota Power construction crews.