Minnesota Power

Create your account below

If you need assistance please call Minnesota Power at 1-800-228-4966.
Minnesota Power Privacy Policy
For your convenience, online accounts are defaulted to paperless billing (email). You may change the setting by selecting paper, or both paper and email from the dropdown.

  • Mobile Phone

    Data & alerts where you are

    Alerts and meter data are accessible across lots of different devices and our mobile alert system keeps you up-to-date even when you're on the road.

  • Pie and Bar Charts

    Track & compare your usage

    Track your usage against weather conditions and see how you compare to your own usage from previous years.

  • Markers

    Customizable markers

    Track important events and monitor associated energy changes with handy markers. Using markers helps the system know how and when to provide important alerts.

  • Energy Gauge

    Energy Challenge

    Set an energy savings goal and track your progress over time.